“Ismail lived with ALS for almost half his life. Ismail, you were a wonderful man and such an inspiration to all who knew you! Love you my friend.”
On October 23, 2021, Ismail’s ALS Walk Team, Ismail’s Supporters, celebrated and honored Ismail and the many others affected by ALS by participating in the Virtual 2021 Golden West Chapter’s Walk to Defeat ALS. By doing so, they helped increase awareness of this terrible deadly disease and raised money that will be used to search for treatments and a cure.
Team members who live in Southern California joined in a fun and memorable day at Ventura Harbor Village, riding character pedal boats around the harbor, walking as a team around the restaurant and gift shop area, and enjoying lunch in celebration of Ismail at one of his favorite restaurants, The Greek, which overlooks the boats and the water. Others participated in raising awareness in many other locations throughout the United States and even overseas, including: Henderson, Nevada; Sea Cliff, New York; Bloomington, Illinois; the state of Vermont; Unicoi, Tennessee; and even Linz, Austria! Many relatives and friends who were unable to participate in formal events, sent their love, warm thoughts, and wishes for success.
Thanks to everyone’s efforts and generosity, the Ismail’s Supporters’ Walk Team surpassed it’s 2021 goal and has to date collected more than $4,000 that will be used to help people living with ALS and their families! If you would like to join the cause and make a donation to The ALS Association in honor of Ismail, please click here to visit Ismail’s Supporters’ Team page.

Michele completed a “mini walk” at Ventura Harbor Village.
“Ismail, you were a wonderful man and such an inspiration to all who knew you! You will always be remembered and your smile always cherished! Love you, my friend.”

“It’s a little chilly here in Vermont, in the 50s, so we can’t really take a picture outdoors. We’re thinking of you and Ismail. Lots of love.”

“I walk for my friend Ismail who lived with ALS for over 30 years. Sadly he passed away last year at the age of 85 from the disease. We did the walk together in 2019. I was in Linz, Austria, and walked for team Ismail.”

“We did the pumpkin patch walk for Ismail. The brightest of sunflowers is for Ismail.”

“The Hurricanes are “Ismail Supporters” and want to Defeat ALS.”

Dean’s show “Home” is presented every Saturday at 6-8 AM PST and every Sunday at 9-11 AM PST on KFI AM640. Live streaming: KFI on iHeart Radio. Podcast: HOME with Dean Sharp on iHeart Radio.
The following statement is from Dean, who encourages others to join our fight against ALS:
“With the COVID pandemic upstaging nearly every facet of our lives, it is easy to forget those who were suffering long before and for whom the perils of the last eighteen months have been but another skirmish in a much more protracted and exhausting battle against a relentless foe.
“Such is the nature of those who suffer from ALS—a debilitating disease for which at this moment in time we possess no cure, no vaccine, no immunity—and such was the courage of our dear Uncle Ismail Tsieprati whose life inspired all it touched and whose battle with ALS is now ended.
“With the world as connected as it is, I know how often you are asked to give to causes these days. I would never presume to tell you which is the right one, but what I can say is there is no Goliath more in need of slaying than ALS and no David more worthy of your support than the ALS Association.
“So, if your heart is moved to join in this battle, then don’t hesitate, give and give generously. Join in the fight against ALS. Join in the family of fighters who daily face their giants. Join me and my ALS family to celebrate and reaffirm our common commitment to bring an end to the suffering. Together we will work to defeat ALS once and forever.
“Thank you for your generosity!
“In Unity,”
— Dean Sharp