“This remarkable and unique story of Ismail and Cheryl is one of great courage, resilience and hope.  We all can admire Ismail’s nearly-unbelievable good spirits, optimism and determination to adapt to ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), and to maintain an excellent quality of life.  This could not have been accomplished without the constant upbeat devotion and help from his partner in life, his quietly amazing wife Cheryl.  As that team, “they” are continuing to thrive more than 30 years from the onset of symptoms of ALS, which has taken away all of the strength of Ismail’s limbs, his swallowing, and his breathing – but not his indomitable good spirits and the sparkle in his eyes. The team’s joie de vivre in these circumstances is also a joy for the reader. Together, Ismail and Cheryl find creative solutions to difficult challenges, and live every day to the fullest.  I highly recommend this heartwarming, inspiring story, which has lessons for us all.”

– W. King Engel, M.D., Director, USC Neuromuscular Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles; Professor Emeritus of Neurology and Pathology, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine.

“What an amazing and inspiring journey!  Ismail and Cheryl have written a story of love and devotion, of hardships and triumphs.  My first year medical students need to read this book.”

— M. Rudolph Brody, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Keck USC School of Medicine

“This is the remarkable story of Cheryl and Ismail’s resourcefulness and creativity in preserving Ismail’s ability to lead a satisfying and productive life and to communicate with the world around him despite total paralysis from advanced ALS. Their interest in the use of computer and assistive devices as well as their exploration of potential benefits of new technologies and research, including a project that rewires cockroach brains, is amazing. I strongly recommend this book.”

– Rebecca A. Hanson, M.D., Clinical Professor in Pediatric Neurology and Orthopedics (Cerebral Palsy), UCLA

“I was fortunate to receive an advance copy of this book. What a terrific read…detailed, honest and poignant. I found myself at various times in tears, laughing out loud, and getting goose bumps. Mostly I found myself inspired by the ways these two talented, charismatic individuals rose above every challenge and continue to live an amazing and full life together. As I finished the last page a favorite quote by Albert Camus came to my mind: ‘in the depths of winter I found in me an invincible summer.’ Thank you Ismail and Cheryl for the invincible summers inside you and for reminding us of the power of love. You may have ALS, but ALS does not have you!”

– Richard Bedlack, MD, PhD, Director of Duke University ALS Clinic in Durham NC

“With inspiration and love, Ismail and Cheryl Tsieprati have shared the writing of this book as they have shared all the joys, challenges, hopes and dreams of their life together and with Ismail’s 30-year journey with ALS. They have educated all of us, in a very personal and individual way, about how to cope and live a high quality of life with ALS with the help and support of friends, family and community resources. Extraordinary personal experiences combined with a glossary of ALS-related definitions and a list of helpful community resources comprise a most helpful, meaningful and worthwhile read.”

– Madelon Thomson, LCSW, Director of Care Services, ALS Association, Golden West Chapter